
For this edition, we have devised a rich and varied program, the aim being to bring together the cycling community and urban mobility experts around animations, conferences and experiences accessible to all.

The conference program is not yet final, but we wish to deal with the following topics:

  • Innovations, digital: how will tomorrow’s bike be?
  • National bike plan: what opportunities in Alsace
  • The advantages of VAE for companies
  • Cycling a lever for tourism development in Alsace and the Rhine
  • Bike recycling: state of play and perspectives
  • The place of cycling in the city of tomorrow
  • Cycling and social inclusion
  • Road safety and cyclists
  • Strasbourg, a proactive policy around cycling
  • Cycling as a public health tool
  • Adventurers of the little queen, feedback

Several animations all public are planned:

  • BMX bike show
  • Contest
  • Bike test track available to the public
  • Initiation to Polo-bike
  • Children’s course
  • Repair and marking workshop


The show emphasizes the importance and place of family outings by bike, several stands and events are planned for a family audience

Expo du Vélo à Strasbourg